Feel Real in Pink….but Say No to Pink EyeDr. Changa Kurukularatne ABIM (USA), FAMS (Singapore)
Specialist - Internal Medicine / Infectious Diseases / Tropical Medicine
Specialist - Internal Medicine / Infectious Diseases / Tropical Medicine
Viral conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is a highly contagious infection of the eye caused by viruses. To stay safe from viral conjunctivitis and prevent its spread, consider the following precautions:
Not all cases of pink eye are due to common viruses. Allergies, irritants, bacteria, fungi and uncommon viruses may cause pink eye. Professional medical expertise is required to distinguish these causes, as the treatment as well as outcomes for untreated cases can be vastly different. While the majority of cases of uncomplicated viral conjunctivitis resolves without permanent damage, scarring and loss of vision may occur in severe or unusual cases.